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lf 507造句

  • The RJ70 differed from the 146-100 in having LF 507 engines with FADEC and digital avionics.
  • Changes include the replacement of the original Lycoming LF 507 turbofan engines, which were housed in redesigned nacelles.
  • The improved, higher-thrust LF 507 was used on the Avro RJ update of the BAe 146.
  • The improved, higher-thrust LF 507 was used on the Avro RJ update of the British Aerospace BAe 146.
  • The "'Honeywell LF 507 "'is a geared turbofan engine produced by ALF 502 was certified in 1980.
  • The "'Avro RJ85 "', the first RJ development of the BAe 146 family, features an improved cabin and the more efficient LF 507 engines.
  • It's difficult to see lf 507 in a sentence. 用lf 507造句挺难的
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